Friday, March 18, 2011

2011 YoungCuts Film Festival Submission Poster

 2011 YoungCuts Film Festival Submission Poster 

As previously mentioned, the YoungCuts Film Festival is currently looking for "Great Short Films by the World's Best Young Filmmakers".

You can apply on-line through

Download the 2011 application form here: 2011 YoungCuts Application Form.

Our regular deadline for the Festival is March 31st, but we accept films until June 15th.
(But the earlier that you submit though, the better your chance for your film to be accepted.)

For more information on submitting your film go HERE!
Or contact Michael Ryan: 514.285.4591


Download the Poster here:
2011 YoungCuts Submission Poster

Submit Your Film Today!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Call for Submissions: YoungCuts Film Festival 2011

Call for Submissions: YoungCuts Film Festival 2011 

The YoungCuts Film Festival is looking for Great Short Films by the World's Best Young Filmmakers (25 and under).

Started in 2001 as the Toronto International Teen Film Festival, the festival changed its name (and increased its age limit) in 2005 and moved to Montreal in 2006.

Every year, the festival selects it's Top 100 short films from more than a thousand submissions from more than 30 countries.

We present awards in multiple categories including the High Fidelity HDTV award for Best Documentary, the award for Best Canadian Film, the award for Best Quebec Film, the award for Best Short Short (film under 5 minutes) and the award for Best Educational Film amongst many other prizes.

Part of our larger mandate is to find and create paying film projects for young filmmakers, like the films we did for Canadian Heritage's Canada's Got Treasures! project.We do this through our sister site If you need to hire a filmmaker or if you are a filmmaker who needs to be hired, come give us a try!

Take a look at Last Year's Winners! And the Top 100 films from last year!

You can apply on-line through

Download the 2011 application form from here: 2011 YoungCuts Application Form.

Our regular deadline for the Festival is March 31st, but we accept films until June 15th.
(But the earlier that you submit though, the better your chance for your film to be accepted.)

For more information on submitting your film go HERE!
Or contact Michael Ryan: 514.285.4591