Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2011 YoungCuts Film Festival Selection: Teddybear

2011 YoungCuts Film Festival Selection

The YoungCuts Film Festival is pleased to announce that it has selected Marcus Carlos Liberski's short film Teddybear as one of our Top 100 International Short Films for 2011. The film is also shortlisted for consideration as Best Short Short Film.

Teddybear Poster


The Official Final Deadline of the YoungCuts Film Festival was June 15th. While we will only announce our full selection of our Top 100 around July 15th and while there is still an opportunity for films that we haven't received yet to trickle in after the deadline, we thought that we would begin announcing some of the films that we know will be included in our Top 100.

These won't be announced in any kind of order and they should not be interpreted as any kind of ranking, just that we have all the material for this particular film and that we do consider it one of the Top 100 short films by filmmakers 25 and under that we have seen (and will see) out of more than a thousand films that we have screened from more than 30 countries.


Our hero

Marcus Carlos Liberski

Directed by Marcus Carlos Liberski
Written by Marcus Carlos Liberski and Emily Seale-Jones

A pitch black short film that turns the camera's perspective into a character, Teddybear packs strong acting and writing into a very tight space.

When judging short shorts, we use language that would not be out of place in judging for Olympics Gymnastics, which is to say that the best short shorts (like Teddybear) spike their landing.


Our happy couple (and friend)

Runtime: 4 min : 9 sec
Completion: 2010
Country of Origin: U.S.A./Denmark
Synopsis: A young couple is struggling with the consequences of having a baby. While the father is constantly tending to his own needs the mother tries to hold the little family together. This results in traumatic events with the baby as the center point and victim of the parents reckless behavior.


Marcus Carlos Liberski

Filmmaker Bio: Danish filmmaker Marcus C. Liberski first found out he wanted to be a filmmaker the day he began a new job as an AC on the BAFTA-winning, EMMY-nominated Danish TV-show The Killing. Since then he has dedicated his time to achieving his goals of making personal and entertaining films. Now based in NYC Marcus occasionally shoots videos for fashion magazines while
working on his first feature script.

Filmmaker Age: 25


Our hero (and friend)

The 2011 YoungCuts Film Festival will begin on Thursday, September 29th. Screenings will be at the Guzzo Spheretech beginning on Friday, September 30th. Stay tuned for details on how to enjoy the amazing films that we will be presenting including Teddybear!

1 comment:

  1. Of course funds for the good cause is all very good news.The kidney disease is very troublesome as well as expensive and should be helped as much as possible.
    teddy bears
